Saturday, November 08, 2014

Alexander Gardner vs Lewis Powell/Payne/Paine

More goodness from the Library of Congress. 

Most would be familiar with the first image made of Lewis Powell - then 21 - by Alexander Gardner. This iconic work is cited by many theorists as being emblematic of many photographic themes. 

Both Barthes and Sontag discuss the image at length. Lesser known are other images made - also by Alexander - of Powell and other conspirators. 

These images add an interesting twist and energy to the rather static, resigned-to-his-fate central image. The larrakin-like profile shot is particularly interesting.

There are also a series of fashion-like images in front of a tent. Some of these were then cropped and made into folk postcards.

Finally, the hanging itself was also photographed, including the aftermath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lewis Payne Powell confederate solder that signup with
Mosby Raiders then later join J.W.Booth conspiracy.
Lewis Payne Powell attack Seward same nite Booth did Lincoln.
The nite in question was April 14,1865 at about 10 pm.
John Wilkes Booth and David Herold in a wagon.
along side came three men on horse named
Willie Jett, Bainbridge,and Ruggles which they heard
the men give them a story that they were confederates
and needed help so then , Booth / Herold got on the
Mosby men horses they crossed Rappahannock (next potomac),
then got on other side, went Ms Peyton who told them
safer for Booth at Richard Garrett farm .So mosby men
then took Booth /Herold there.Mosby men were camp
in the woods near Garrett Farm.Supposed man died Garret
barn april 26,1865?Just before Mosby died
he said he had a J.W.Boyd training his (raiders)men during civil war.
Ulysses Grant help John Mosby get a job with in the Govt after war.
Andrew Johnson want to get rid of sec of war Edwin Stanton.
and make Ulysses Grant the Secretary of war instead.
During Lincoln reign civl war Grant,Stanton,Johnson buddies.
Salmon Chase -Ohio,Grant born Ohio,Stanton was Ohio.
So did Mosby men help J.W.Booth escape Virginia -cross Ky
to Arkansas to Texas - Booth became D.George & St Helen?
Why would man say he was Booth when he was not Booth?
Why would Herold say Booth not in barn but man name Boyd?
Mosby men JosephChiston/WilsonCkensey,WillieJett,Ruggles
and bainbridge said man named James William Boyd not Booth
-that Boyd had red hair look similar to John Wilkes Booth?
Lucy Lambert Hale father U.S. Senator John Parker Hale who ask
Lincoln 4-14-1864 Robert Todd Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth both
became enamored to Lucy but Lucy gave Booth picture of her which
was in Booth wallet when he was captured in garrett barn .
Did Booth send Boyd to get his papers that he had dropped out?
Why was 18 pages missing out of John Wilkes Booth diary?
why wasn't Lucy Lambert Hale question during Lincoln Trial?
why wasn't John S. Mosby questioned during Lincoln Trial ?
Why wasn't bainbridge/ Ruggles questioned during Lincoln Trial?
Only Willie Jet was questioned during the Lincoln Cospiracy Trial?