Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Some highlights from 'Picturing New York' at AGWA

I went to the opening last week and I was saying to someone that the show is missing some blood and guts (Weegee's crime scene work, Hine's 'Minnie', Strand's 'Blind', etc).

In hindsight these images might not be in the collection (25,000+ photographs) but it did nonetheless feel a bit sanitised.

Big fan of the Levitts that are included, not so much of the images chosen from Evan's Subway series though. Helen Levitt was occasionally with Evans as he shot that work - and was photographed by him as a 'passenger' - so when you hold those up to Philip-Lorca diCorcia's colour image (with fish in a bag) it makes for interesting 'reading'.

The Riis is especially interesting considering the people imaged would have had to remain very still for the image.... almost contradicts the energy in the image.

Will definitely revisit the show a few times and am thinking about taking a 'touring' party if they want to tag along, hear me gush, etc.

Henri Cartier-Bresson (especially as you can see the retouching on the print!)

Dorothea Lange

Jacob Riis

Diane Arbus

Walker Evans
Helen Levitt

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