Thursday, September 13, 2007

Musica Antiqua Koeln & Richard Tognetti

I've taken up (?) listening to Classic FM more seriously when driving around.

Amongst many other discoveries are two that really have woken me up to Bach.

The tragedy of Musica Antiqua is that we lived in Köln for quite a while and we never took up the opportunity to see them live.

I think Richard Tognetti is one of those violinists who you either love or hate. His haircut alone is enough to drive many to distraction. I got his Bach Sonatas and Partitas for Solo Violin on the strength of it winning the ARIA for Classical Music and from having heard portions on Classic FM. Very intimate album.

I've since also got the Bach Sonatas for Violin and Keyboard which is on occassion patchy (the keyboard is almost kitsch in places) but has enough highlights to overwhelm any problems.

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