Friday, November 09, 2007

Partially thin skin...

Two things from two separate people recently made me bite hard into my lip. I know I shouldn't take these things personally but they cause a visceral reaction that takes me out of step.

With my usual lack of detail... One related to a request to make some of my images more 'arty' (?) and the other was a look of astonishment when I said that the BankWest Image was a straight photo.... that is, no Van Gogh button pressing involved.

One another note... I found out the other day that Postcards WA did a piece on one of the shows I was in last year. This was shot prior to the opening as the images are actually the wrong way around... they were swapped later... kc-ra!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After you bit on your lip you should try to forget it as soon as you can. You know lots of people out there know it much better. To say "make (some of) your images more arty" is silly, offensive and a cheek. // I'm glad to get the chance to vote for your self-portrait which I really love. Cheers, B.