Saturday, December 10, 2005

What I Am @ Breadbox Gallery

17 February 2006 - March 3, 2006
Elisa and Chris will be holding an exhibition titled 'What I am' at the Breadbox Gallery in Northbridge.

"An exhibition of the disparate disciplines of photography and textiles.

Christopher Young (photography) & Elisa Markes-Young (Textiles) have
collaborated to produce a new body of work that deals with identity - a key
factor in both artist's practice. Fresh, unique work has come from the
creative friction of responding to each others ideas."

Breadbox Gallery
233 James Street
Northbridge WA.

Weds-Fri: 12pm-6pm
Sat-Sun: 2pm-5pm
Opening: Friday, 17 February at 6pm. All welcome.

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